RMYA provides critical emergency shelter services for runaway, homeless, foster youth, trafficked, and children transitioning from juvenile probation. RMYA is one of only four shelters in the San Antonio/Bexar region providing emergency shelter care. The Bridge Emergency Shelter can provide a safe living environment for up to 90 days.

On-Boarding Health Check
Upon arrival all children are evaluated for medical, dental, and mental health needs. Any needed medical care is provided during their stay with RMYA.

24/7 On-Call Clinicians
On-staff licensed clinicians are on-call to provide crisis intervention services for incoming children.

The shelter provides children with individual and group counseling services to help them cope with their trauma. RMYA also provides life skills training to give children the basic tools they need to manage their many challenges.

On-Site Charter School
All children attend the on-campus school, Stepping Stones Academy, during their stay at the shelter. RMYA also provides a large playground, swings and basketball court for outdoor exercise.